MICKEY JOSEPH NORMAN, Associate Judge, Baltimore County Circuit Court, 3rd Judicial Circuit, since July 13, 2004. Member, Criminal Law and Procedure Committee, 2007-13, and Civil Law and Procedure Committee, 2013-, Maryland Judicial Conference. Circuit Representative, 3rd Judicial Circuit, Conference of Circuit Judges, 2008-10, 2017-18.
Chief, Violent Crimes Unit, Office of State's Attorney, Baltimore County, 1984-2004. Assistant State's Attorney, Prince George's County, 1983-84. Panel member, Health Claims Arbitration Office, 1994-2004. Member, Citizens Advisory Committee for Public Safety, Baltimore County, 2002. Member, Peer Review Panel, Attorney Grievance Commission, 2002-04.
Born in Ashland, Wisconsin, August 16, 1950. Raised in Baltimore, Maryland. Loyola College in Maryland, B.A. (social studies & criminal justice), 1978. George Washington University, M.A. (forensic sciences), 1980. University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1983. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1983. Partner, Norman & Gentry, 1985-93. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; Baltimore County Bar Association (chair, membership & admission committee, 2004-, vice-chair, 2003-04; member, bench/bar committee, 2010-11). Maryland State Trooper, 1971-80, 1981-83 (inspector & supervisor, narcotics division). Investigator, District Attorney's Office, Los Angeles County, California, 1980-81. Member, Maryland State Police Alumni Association. Coach, Perry Hall High School moot court team, 1986-91. Director, Calvert Hall College High School ice hockey team, 1996-2001 (varsity head coach, 3 years). Certified Advanced Level IV ice hockey coach, USA Hockey. Coach, Baltimore Youth Hockey, 2003-.
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