KAREN C. (CHAYA) FRIEDMAN, Associate Judge, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since March 5, 2014. Member, Specialty Courts and Dockets Committee, Judicial Council, 2019-.
Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 1, Baltimore City, August 23, 2010 to March 5, 2014. Judge, Drug Treatment Court, 2013-14. Member, Public Awareness Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 2013-.
Judge, Orphans' Court, Baltimore City, March 2001 to August 23, 2010. Member, Conference of Orphans' Court Judges, 2003-10 (chair, 2006-08).
Member, Professional Responsibility Committee, Maryland Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission, 1998-2000.
Born in Brooklyn, New York, April 28, 1971. University of Maryland Baltimore County, B.A. (political science), 1993; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1997 (order of the coif). Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1997; District of Columbia Bar, 1999. Certified mediator, Baltimore Mediation Center, 1998. Associate, Willner & Associates, 1997-2001. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1998-; District of Columbia Bar Association, 2000-; Trial Judges Association of Maryland, 2001-; Baltimore City Bar Association, 2009- (executive council, 2012-; co-chair, bench/bar committee); Women's Bar Association of Maryland. Member, Maryland Association of Judges of the Orphans' Court, 2001-10 (secretary, 2001); National Association of Probate Judges; National Association of Women Judges. Board of Directors, Women's Department, Associated Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore, 1992-2010. Chair, Advisory Board, Counseling, Helpline and Aid Network for Abused Women (Chana), 1995-2003. Member, Women's Leadership Forum, Democratic National Committee, 1996-2001. Selection Committee, Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Fund for the Enrichment of Jewish Education, 2001-. Executive Board, Simon E. Sobeloff Law Society, 2007-. Adjunct Professor (written & oral advocacy), University of Maryland School of Law, 2007-10. Member, Alumni Board, University of Maryland School of Law, 2009-. Co-Chair, Board of Directors, Elijah Cummings Youth Program in Israel, 2009- (member, 2001-). Founder and Co-Chair, Domestic Violence Interfaith Initiative, 2013-. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 2002, 2004, 2010 (Circle of Excellence). Very Important Professionals List, Daily Record, 2010.
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