THERESA M. ADAMS, Associate Judge, Frederick County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since January 9, 2004. Member, Foster Care Court-Improvement Implementation Committee, 2007-15 (chair, legislative subcommittee, 2007-12). Circuit Representative, 6th Judicial Circuit, Conference of Circuit Judges, 2011-18. Member, Foster Care Court Improvement Program Subcommittee of Juvenile Law Committee, Judicial Council, 2016-.
Assistant State's Attorney, Frederick County, 1990-94 (chief, child support enforcement unit, 1992-93; chief, juvenile unit, 1992-93; chief, white collar crime unit, 1993-94). Senior Assistant State's Attorney, Carroll County, 1995-2001 (chief narcotics prosecutor & asset forfeiture coordinator). Assistant State's Attorney, Washington County, 2002-03.
Born in Frederick, Maryland. Mount St. Mary's College, B.A. (foreign languages), 1977; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1986. Law clerk to Judge William W. Wenner, Court of Special Appeals, 1987-88. Admitted to Maryland Bar. Member, Carroll County Bar Association. President, Frederick County Bar Association, 2012- (executive committee, 1992-93, 2006-; assistant treasurer, 2009). Board of Directors, Frederick County Family Life Center (Families Plus), 1988-93. Advisory Board, Central Maryland Catholic Charities, 1992-2003. Board of Directors, Frederick County Chapter, American Red Cross, 1993. Service Award, Central Maryland Catholic Charities, 1997. Certificate of Appreciation, Westminster Police Department, 2002. Service to Law Enforcement and Citizens of Carroll County, Office of Carroll County State's Attorney, 2002. Dedication and Service Award, Foster Care Court Improvement Project, 2007. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 2008, 2013, 2016 (Circle of Excellence).
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