Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


LYNN STEWART MAYS, Associate Judge, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since January 22, 2002. Designated Judge for Advanced Science and Technology Adjudication Resource (ASTAR) Center Program, 2005-. Member, Public Awareness Committee, 2002-04, Criminal Law and Procedure Committee, 2004-07, Civil Law and Procedure Committee, 2007-09, and Problem-Solving Courts Committee, 2009-12, Maryland Judicial Conference.

Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore City, 1990-2002 (homicide unit, 1997-2002). Member, Judicial Trial Courts Nominating Commission, 1995-96; Inquiry Panel, Attorney Grievance Commission, 1998-2001.

Born in Calvert County, Maryland, August 3, 1963. University of Maryland, College Park, B.A. (English), 1985; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1988 (moot court board, 1987-88). Judicial law clerk, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 1988-90. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1989. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1989- (chair, local & specialty bar committee, 1999-2000; member, professionalism committee, 2002-; board of governors, 2011-); Baltimore City Bar Association, 1989- (chair, criminal law committee, 1995-96; chair, judicial selection committee, 1998-99; chair, legal services committee, 2000-; co-chair, program committee, 2002-; secretary, 2006-07; treasurer, 2007-08; vice-president, 2008-09; president, 2010-11; executive council, 2017-; chair, continuing legal education committee, 2019-); Monumental City Bar Association, 1990- (chair, membership committee, 1993-96; secretary, 1994-96); Women's Bar Association of Maryland, 1994- (executive council, 1998-99; co-chair, program committee, 1999-2000). Member, Maryland State's Attorneys' Association, 1990-95; National Bar Association, 1993-96; National Black Prosecutors' Association, 1993-96. Board of Directors, Legal Aid Bureau of Maryland, Inc., 1996-2002. President, Alliance of Black Women Attorneys of Maryland, 1997-98 (member, 1987-). Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation, 1999-; Baltimore Bar Foundation, 2002- (board of trustees, 2016-; president, board of trustees, 2008-09). Member, National Association of Women Judges, 2002-. Governor's Citation for Community Service, 1999. Certificate of Appreciation, Training and Education Division, Baltimore City Police Department, 2003. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 2005, 2010, 2012 (Circle of Excellence). Maryland Leadership in Law Award, Daily Record, 2007. Bar Leader Award, Women's Bar Association of Maryland, 2008. Outstanding and Distinguished Service Award, Baltimore City Bar Association, 2010.

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