J. MICHAEL WACHS, Associate Judge, Anne Arundel County Circuit Court, 5th Judicial Circuit, since December 4, 2007. Presiding Judge, Adult Drug Treatment Court, since October 2013. Member, Maryland State Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, 2008-11. Member, Family Law Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 2011-14. Member, Court Operations Committee, Judicial Council, 2015-16.
Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 7, Anne Arundel County, December 8, 2000 to December 4, 2007. Member, Judicial Education Committee, District Court of Maryland, 2002-05.
Assistant Public Defender, Anne Arundel County, 1987-91. Member, Trial Courts Judicial Nominating Commission, 7th Commission District, 1994-98; Inquiry Panel, Attorney Grievance Commission, 1997-98. Master in Chancery, Anne Arundel County Circuit Court, 1998-2000.
Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 10, 1962. Attended Annapolis High School, Annapolis, Maryland; Rutgers College, B.A. (English), 1984; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1987. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1987. Partner, North & Wachs, P.A., 1991-94. Sole practitioner, 1994-98. Member, Anne Arundel County Bar Association (member, 1987-; board of trustees, 1996-2004; secretary, 1999-2000; president-elect, 2000-01; president, 2001-02). Secretary, Anne Arundel County Bar Foundation, 1995-96 (trustee, 1994-96). Former member, Maryland State Bar Association (board of governors, 2002-03). Organizer of "Schools in Court" program. Vice-President, Parent Teachers Association, Severna Park Elementary School, 1997-99. Coach (soccer, baseball, field hockey, lacrosse), Greater Severna Park Athletic Association. Member, Olde Severna Park Improvement Association. Board of Trustees, Cedar Ridge Homeowners Association. President's Award, Anne Arundel County Bar Association, 2007. Certificate of Appreciation, Community Mediation Maryland, 2011.
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