Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


BEVERLY J. WOODARD, Associate Judge, Prince George's County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial Circuit, since December 12, 2007. Presiding Judge, Veterans Court, 2015-. Member, Court Access and Community Relations Committee, 2015, and Specialty Courts and Dockets Committee, 2016-19, Judicial Council.

Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 5, Prince George's County, January 30, 1998 to December 12, 2007. Member, Public Awareness Committee, Judicial Conference, 2006-14.

Legislative Assistant to U.S. Representative Theodore S. Weiss of New York, 1977. Staff attorney, Neighborhood Legal Services Program, District of Columbia, 1978. Attorney Advisor, U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs, 1979-86. Assistant State's Attorney and Deputy State's Attorney, Prince George's County, 1986-98.

Born in New York, New York, March 15, 1951. Attended George Washington High School, New York, New York; Brown University, B.A. (political science), 1973; University of Michigan School of Law, J.D., 1976. Admitted to Michigan Bar, 1976; Maryland Bar, 1985. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; Prince George's County Bar Association; J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Association. Adjunct professor, Howard University, 1983-85.

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