HELEN INA HARRINGTON, Associate Judge, Charles County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial Circuit, June 5, 2009 to December 31, 2017. Retired December 31, 2017. Presiding Judge, Family Recovery Court, 2011-. Member, Mental Health, Alcoholism and Addiction Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 2010-13. Chair, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Charles County, 2012-. Member, Specialty Courts and Dockets Committee, Judicial Council, 2015-18.
Assistant State's Attorney, Charles County, 1987-92. Master for Domestic Relations, Charles County Circuit Court, 1992-2009. Member, Business District Development Commission, Town of La Plata, 1993-2002; Vision in Teamwork and Leadership (VITAL) Committee, Charles County, 1994-2005.
Centenary College of Louisiana, B.A. (english literature), 1972; North Texas State University, M.L.S., 1972; Georgetown University Law Center, J.D., cum laude, 1980 (law fellow, 1979-80). Admitted to District of Columbia Bar, 1980; Maryland Bar, 1984. Associate, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, 1980-84. Sole practicioner, 1984-87. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1984- (alternative dispute resolution section; family & juvenile law section); Charles County Bar Association (president, 1999-2000; chair, alternative dispute resolution committee, 2000-; chair, family law section, 2001-04; member, pro bono committee, 2003-). Adjunct Professor (business law), College of Southern Maryland, 2002-05. Ecclesiastical Trial Court, Episcopal Diocese of Washington, 2004-. Board of Directors, Children's Aid Society of Charles County, 1995-98. Certificate in Recognition of Service, Charles County Board of County Commissioners, 1992. Partnership Award, Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service, 2000. Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2000-. Good Guy White Hat Award, Charles County Bar Association, 2003.
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