W. MICHEL PIERSON, Circuit Administrative Judge, 8th Judicial Circuit (Baltimore City), December 1, 2013 to January 11, 2020 (Associate Judge, Baltimore City Circuit Court, January 14, 2004 to December 1, 2013). Retired January 11, 2020. Judge-in-Charge, Civil Docket, 2009-13. Member, Character Committee, Court of Appeals, 1982-96. Chair, Civil Law and Procedure Committee, 2005-08 (member, 2004-08), Maryland Judicial Conference. Member, Court of Appeals Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, 2009-15. Member, Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, Baltimore City, 2013-17; Executive Committee, Conference of Circuit Judges, 2013-20. Member, Maryland Judicial Council, 2017-19.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, January 11, 1950. University of Maryland, College Park, B.A. (American studies), with honors, 1970; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., with honors, 1973. Editor in Chief, Maryland Law Review, 1972-73. Order of the Coif. Law clerk to Judge C. Stanley Blair, U.S. District Court for District of Maryland, 1973-74. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1973. Partner, Pierson & Pierson, 1978-2003. Member, American Bar Association (litigation section); Maryland State Bar Association (correctional reform section; chair, correctional reform section council, 1980-82; civil subcommittee of pattern jury instruction committee, 2012-); Baltimore City Bar Association (chair, lawyer referral & information services committee, 1983-84). President, Maryland Chapter, Federal Bar Association, 1992-93. Member, J. Dudley Digges Inn, American Inns of Court (president, 2004-06). Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation; Baltimore Bar Foundation. Elected member, American Law Institute, 2007-. Adjunct Faculty, University of Maryland Carey School of Law, 2009-14. Member, Baltimore City Republican Central Committee, 1979-80, 1990-98. Board of Directors, Center for Jewish Education, 1992-94. Member, Blaustein Fund Committee, Associated Jewish Charities, 1994-2000. Member, Baltimore Hebrew Congregation (president, 2000-02).

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