MICHAEL PATRICK WHALEN, Associate Judge, Prince George's County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial Circuit, November 29, 1999 to October 31, 2015. Retired October 31, 2015. Coordinating Judge, Criminal Operations, 2003-15.
Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 5, Prince George's County, November 27, 1995 to November 28, 1999. Member, Legislative Subcommittee, 1996, and Juvenile Law Committee, 1996-99, Maryland Judicial Conference. Member, Judicial Education Committee, 1996-97, and Commissioner Education Committee, 1997-99, District Court of Maryland.
Assistant State's Attorney, Prince George's County, 1974-83 (chief, felony trials division, 1980-83). Deputy State's Attorney for Operations, Prince George's County 1983-86. County Attorney, Prince George's County, 1988-95. Member, Paralegal Studies Advisory Board, University of Maryland University College, 1987-96; Drug Policy Board of Substance Abuse Advisory Council, Prince George's County, 1988-94 (chair, law enforcement subcommittee). Board of Advisors, Crime Solvers, Prince George's County, 1991-93. Member, Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) Advisory Commission, Prince George's County, 1991-94.
Born in Waltham, Massachusetts, April 2, 1946. Attended Ayer Senior High School, Ayer, Massachusetts; University of Maryland, (Munich, Germany, & College Park), B.A., 1969; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1973. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1974. Associate, Baskin & Sears, 1980. Of Counsel, Knight, Manzi, Brennan & Ostrom, 1986-88. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (board of governors, 1994-96; criminal law & practice section council, 2006-; criminal law & practice section; state & local government section); Prince George's County Bar Association (president, 1993-94). National District Attorneys Association (senior attorney, American Prosecutors Research Institute, 1986-88). Life Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation. Charter Fellow, Law Foundation, Prince George's County; Harvard Associates in Police Science, Inc., 1985-95. Adjunct Associate Professor (legal studies), University of Maryland University College, 1979-. Co-editor and contributing author, Investigation and Prosecution of Child Abuse, 1987.
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