JOSEPH P. MANCK, County Administrative Judge, Anne Arundel County, 5th Judicial Circuit, January 4, 2002 to May 23, 2007 (Associate Judge March 30, 1998 to January 4, 2002). Retired May 23, 2007. Member, Civil Law and Procedure Committee, 1999-2001, Criminal Law and Procedure Committee, 2001-03, and Public Awareness Committee, 2004-07, Maryland Judicial Conference. Circuit Representative, 5th Judicial Circuit, Conference of Circuit Judges, 2002-07. Member, Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, 2002-07, and Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, 2004-07, Anne Arundel County. Member, Judicial Council, 2006-07.
District Administrative Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 7, Anne Arundel County, 1996-98 (Associate Judge, Anne Arundel County, September 6, 1989 to 1996). Member, Commissioner Education Committee (past member, civil law committee), District Court of Maryland. Past member, Executive Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference.
Counsel to Board of Appeals, Anne Arundel County, 1975-78. Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals, City of Annapolis, 1976-77. Member, Character Committee, Court of Appeals, 1982-86. Chair, Forest Conservation Act Working Group, City of Annapolis, 2012.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, April 3, 1947. Attended Annapolis High School, Annapolis, Maryland; Gettysburg College, B.A., 1969. Law clerk to Judge E. Mackall Childs, Anne Arundel County Circuit Court, 1971-72. University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., cum laude, 1972. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1972. Member, American, Maryland State and Anne Arundel County Bar Associations; District of Columbia Bar. Member, American Trial Lawyers Association; Maryland Trial Lawyers Association. Lecturer, University of Maryland (evidence for paralegals), 1982-83. Adjunct Professor, Anne Arundel Community College (criminal law & evidence), 1992-. Lecturer (civil practice in District Court), MICPEL seminar, 1993, 1994. Lecturer (civil matters), New Judges Orientation, 1994, 1995. Member, Heuisler Honor Society; Nu Beta Epsilon.
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