JOHN MARTIN GLYNN, Associate Judge, 8th Judicial Circuit, Baltimore City Circuit Court, February 1, 2001 to May 1, 2009. Judge-in-Charge, Criminal Docket, January 2003 to May 1, 2009. Retired May 1, 2009. Judge-in-Charge, Asbestos Docket, 2010-.
Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 1, Baltimore City, March 11, 1994 to January 31, 2001. Judge-in-Charge, Civil Division, 1997-2000. Judge-in-Charge, Eastside District Court, 2000-01. Chair, Executive Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1998-99 (vice-chair, 1997-98). Member, Criminal Law and Procedure Committee, 1994-97, and Civil Law and Procedure Committee, 1997-2000, Maryland Judicial Conference.
Trial lawyer, National Labor Relations Board, Region 5, 1976-81.
People's Counsel, 1985-94. Chair, Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, Baltimore City, 2003-08.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, October 21, 1946. The Johns Hopkins University, B.A., with honors, 1968. Served in U.S. Army, 1968-71 (vietnam). University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., with honors, 1974. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1974. Associate, Melnicove, Kaufmann, Weiner & Smouse, 1981-85. Former associate, Levin, Gann & Hankin, P.A; Sherbow, Shea & Tatelbaum, P.A. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (judicial administration council, 2006-07); Baltimore City Bar Association. Member, Executive Committee, National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates. Fellow, Council on Economic Regulation.
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