THOMAS LEWIS CRAVEN, Associate Judge, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, December 20, 2005 to December 23, 2011. Retired December 23, 2011.
Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 6, Montgomery County, March 14, 1994 to December 20, 2005. Member, Judicial Education Committee, 1994-97, and Administrative Judges Committee, 2001-02, District Court of Maryland.
Legislative analyst, General Assembly, and staff counsel, House Judiciary Committee, 1968-69. Assistant State's Attorney, Montgomery County, 1970-72. Reporter, Criminal Rules Subcommittee of Court of Appeals, 1974-75. Member, Judicial Nominating Commission, 6th Judicial Circuit, 1975-83; Character Committee of Court of Appeals for 6th Judicial Circuit, 1981-86. Review Board, Attorney Grievance Commission 1982-85. Member, Charter Review Commission, Montgomery County, 1990-94.
Born in Camden, New Jersey, December 24, 1941. Attended Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School; Lehigh University, B.A. (economics), 1964. Served in U.S. Army Reserve (active duty, 1964; reserve status, 1964-70). Washington College of Law, The American University, J.D., 1968. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1968; District of Columbia Bar, 1968. Law clerk to Judge John P. Moore, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 1968-69. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (board of governors, 1985-86, 1988-90; chair, special committee on pro bono, 1988-89; chair, committee on laws, 1988-91); Montgomery County Bar Association (president, 1986-87). Board of Trustees, Montgomery County Bar Foundation (president, 1986-87).
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