Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



JOHN OWEN HENNEGAN, Associate Judge, Baltimore County Circuit Court, 3rd Judicial Circuit, January 17, 1992 to November 8, 2009. Retired November 8, 2009. Presiding Judge, Juvenile Drug Court Program. Member, Public Awareness Committee, 2001-05, 2006-09, Maryland Judicial Conference.

Health Claims Arbitrator, 1980-92. Member, Substance Abuse Committee for District 6, Baltimore County, 1986-92. Chair, Judicial Nominating Commission, 3rd Judicial Circuit, 1987-90. Inquiry Panel, Attorney Grievance Commission, 1987-92. Chair, Ethics Commission, Baltimore County, 1989-92.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, April 22, 1947. Loyola College, B.S., 1969; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1974. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1974. Partner, Romadka, Gontrum & Hennegan, 1982. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; Baltimore County Bar Association (executive council; president, 1998-99); American Trial Lawyers Association; Maryland Association for Justice (formerly Maryland Trial Lawyers Association). Adjunct faculty, Stevenson University (constitutional law); University of Baltimore School of Law (civil procedure). Volunteer, Montebello Center (rehabilitation hospital), 1983-85. Member, Loyola College Greyhound Club (board of directors, 1985-90; president, 1987-88); Loyola College Hall of Fame (president, 1988-90); Loyola College Athletic Fund Committee, 1988-91. Outstanding Service Award, Loyola College Greyhound Club, 1987-88. Judicial Excellence Award, National Child Support Enforcement Association, 2009. Leadership in Law Award, Daily Record, 2015.

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