PHILIP T. CAROOM, Associate Judge, Anne Arundel County Circuit Court, 5th Judicial Circuit, September 9, 1998 to November 6, 2015 (Juvenile Administrative Judge, 2004-15). Retired November 6, 2015. Designated Judge for Business and Technology Case-Management Program, Anne Arundel County, 2003-15. Designated Judge for Advanced Science and Technology Adjudication Resource (ASTAR) Center Program, 2005-15. Master in Chancery, Anne Arundel County Circuit Court, 1991-98. Member, Ad Hoc Committee on the Implementation of Family Divisions, 1998-2002. Member, Juvenile Law Committee, 1999-2001, and Family Law Committee, 2008-10, Maryland Judicial Conference. Member, Foster Care Court-Improvement Implementation Committee, 2007-12. Member, Alternative Dispute Resolution Subcommittee, 2009-15, Conference of Circuit Judges. Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on Sentencing Alternatives, Re-Entry, and Best Practices, Maryland Judicial Conference, 2010-12. Member, Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, Judicial Council, 2015. Member, Retired and Recalled Judges Committee, 2016-17, Senior Judges Committee, 2017 (chair, retirement process & procedures subcommittee, 2016-), Judicial Council. Member, Specialty Courts and Dockets Committee, Judicial Council, 2018-19. Member, Court Access and Community Relations Committee, Judicial Council, 2020-.
Assistant State's Attorney, Anne Arundel County, 1981-89. Training Director, Office of State's Attorney, Anne Arundel County, 1983-89. Member, Conservancy Board, and Recreation and Parks Advisory Board, City of Annapolis, 1985-91. Member, Task Force to Study the Mentoring and Monitoring of Children in the Custody of or under the Supervision of the Department of Juvenile Services, 2003-04.
Born in Tachikawa, Japan, May 16, 1953. The Johns Hopkins University, B.A., 1975; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1978. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1978. Attorney in private practice, 1979-82, 1989-91. Member, Anne Arundel County Bar Association, 1978-. President, Paca-Brent Joint Inns of Court, 1994-95. Member, Congressionally Mandated National Resource Judge Program Oversight Committee, Advanced Science and Technology Adjudication Resource Center (ASTAR), Inc. Member, Coordinating Council, Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform, 2015-. Member, Annapolis Striders, 1993-. Award for Outstanding Contribution (as prosecutor), Maryland People Against Child Abuse (PACA), 1987. Trustees' Award, Anne Arundel County Bar Association, 1997. Member, Annapolis Friends Meeting, 1986-.
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