Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



[photo, James R. Eyler, Court of Special Appeals Judge] JAMES R. EYLER, Judge, Court of Special Appeals, 2nd Appellate Circuit (Baltimore County & Harford County), January 9, 1996 to May 1, 2012. Retired May 1, 2012. Chair, Public Awareness Committee, 2008-10 (member, 1997-2012), and Chair, Judicial Ethics Committee, 2011-12 (member, 2008-12, 2014-15; vice-chair, 2009-11), Maryland Judicial Conference. Member, Commission on Professionalism, 2010-12.

Member, Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, 2015-17, and Judicial Ethics Committee, 2015-, Judicial Council. Chair, Joint Records Retention Work Group, Court Technology Committee, Judicial Council, 2015-. Member, Court Operations Committee, 2016-17, and Court Technology Committee, 2018-, Judicial Council.

Born in Carroll County, Maryland, July 13, 1942. University of Maryland, B.A., magna cum laude, 1964; University of Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1967 (research editor, Maryland Law Review), Order of the Coif, law school honorary society. Law clerk to Judge William R. Horney, Court of Appeals, 1967-68. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1967. Partner, Miles & Stockbridge, 1973-96 (associate, 1968-73; chair, 1992-96). Member, Maryland State, American, Baltimore City and Baltimore County Bar Associations. Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation. Approved for membership in American College of Trial Lawyers. President, Maryland Defense Counsel, Inc., 1972-73. Board of Trustees, Severn School, 1989-96 (chair, 1992-95). Board of Trustees, Baltimore Courthouse and Law Museum Foundation, 1990-93. Board of Visitors, University of Maryland School of Law, 1992-95. Chair, Board of Directors, Everyman Theatre, 1993-96. Board of Directors, Public Justice Center, 1993-96; Parents Anonymous of Maryland, 1994-96; Baltimore Area Convention and Visitors Association, 1994-96; Maryland General Hospital and Maryland General Health Services, Inc., 1994-96; House of Ruth, 1995-96. Former adjunct faculty, University of Baltimore School of Law, and University of Maryland School of Law. Member, J. Dudley Digges Inn of Court; Barrister's Law Club; Wednesday Law Club.

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