![[photo, Joseph M. Getty, Maryland Court of Appeals Judge]](/msa/mdmanual/29ap/images/1198-1-07878b.jpg)
Chief Legislative Officer, Office of Governor, January 23, 2015 to June 2016.
Member, Cable Television Advisory Committee, Carroll County, 1989-93; Rural Historic Village Protection Program Advisory Committee of Maryland Environmental Trust, 1990-. Member, Charter Board, Carroll County, 1992.
Member of House of Delegates (Republican), representing District 5 (Carroll County), January 11, 1995 to January 8, 2003. Member, Commerce and Government Matters Committee, 1995-98 (state government & civil rights subcommittee, 1995-98). Deputy Minority Whip, 1999-2002. Member, Judiciary Committee, 1999-2003 (family & juvenile law subcommittee, 1999-2003); Article 27 (crimes & punishments) Revision Committee, 1999-2003.
Member, Task Force to Review the State's Election Law, 1995; Commission to Revise the Election Code, 1996-97; Forensic Sciences Task Force, 2000-01; Committee on Access to Court Records, 2001-02. Director of Policy, Governor-elect's Transition Team, 2002-03.
Member, Social Studies Task Force, State Department of Education, 2004-06.
Policy and Legislative Director, Office of Governor, 2004-07 (director of policy, 2003).
Member of Senate (Republican), representing District 5 (Baltimore County & Carroll County), January 12, 2011 to January 23, 2015. Resigned January 23, 2015. Member, Senate Committee on Reapportionment and Redistricting, 2011-12; Judicial Proceedings Committee, 2011-13; Joint Committee on Transparency and Open Government, 2011-14; Task Force to Study Court Decision regarding Pit Bulls, 2012; Work Group to Review Disclosure Requirements of the Public Ethics Law, 2012-13; Budget and Taxation Committee, 2013-15; Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics, 2011-15; Senate Special Committee on Ethics Reform, 2012-13; Spending Affordability Committee, 2013-15; Legislative Policy Committee, 2015; Joint Audit Committee, 2015; Executive Nominations Committee, 2015. Minority Whip, 2013-14. Senate Chair, Carroll County Delegation, 2011-12, 2014.
Member, Task Force to Study the Laws and Policies relating to Representation of Indigent Criminal Defendants by the Office of the Public Defender, 2012-14; Commission on Child Custody Decision Making, 2013-14; Task Force to Study Implementing a Civil Right to Counsel in Maryland, 2013-14. Member, Task Force to Ensure Retirement Security for All Marylanders, 2014-15. Member, Governor-elect's Transition Team, 2014-15.
Born in Olney, Maryland, April 14, 1952. Washington College, B.A. (American studies), 1974; George Washington University, M.A. (American civilization), 1980. Law clerk, general practice law firm, Westminster, 1994. University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1996. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1996. Attorney. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (section of family & juvenile law; section of solo & small firm practice). Acting Director, Mid-Atlantic Regional Office, National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1981-82. Architectural historian & historic preservation researcher/writer, 1982-87. Executive Director, Historical Society of Carroll County, 1987-94. Board of Governors, Union Mills Homestead Foundation, 1979-92. Chair, Carroll County Committee for Maryland's 350th Anniversary, 1983-84. Board of Directors, Preservation Maryland, 1984-90. Member, Carroll County Historic District Commission, 1989-92 (chair, 1992); Carroll County Chamber of Commerce, 1990-94 (legislative committee). Political Director, Ehrlich for Governor, 2002. Chair, Carroll County Republican Central Committee, 2002-03 (chair, 1991-92; member 1985-94). Carroll County Chair, Mitt Romney Campaign, 2012. Delegate, Republican Party National Convention, 2012. Author, Uniontown, Maryland-Walking Tour (1983); Carroll's Heritage: Essays on the Architecture of a Piedmont Maryland County (1987); The Engine of Liberty & Uniontown Advertiser (1993).
Office: (410) 260-1598
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