Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



[photo, Alan M. Wilner, Court of Appeals Judge] ALAN M. WILNER
Judge, Court of Appeals, 2nd Appellate Judicial Circuit, 1996-2007
Chief Judge, Court of Special Appeals, 1990-96

Judge, Court of Appeals, 2nd Appellate Judicial Circuit, November 4, 1996 to January 26, 2007. Retired January 26, 2007. Member, Judicial Ethics Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1981-90; Family Court Review Committee, 1993. Member, Advisory Board, Maryland Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office (formerly Maryland Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission), 1998-2012; Gender Equality Committee, 1999-2001. Chair, Board of Directors, Judicial Institute of Maryland, 1999-2006 (member, 1997-2006).

Member, Work Group on the Professionalism Course and the Professionalism Center, 2015; Court Operations Committee, Judicial Council, 2015-.

Chair, Court of Appeals Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, 1985-96, 2008- (member, 1984-96, 2008-). Chair, Code Revision Committee, 1986- (chair, article review committees on: education, 1978; state government, 1984; state finance and procurement, 1986-88; correctional services, 1998; criminal law, 2002; chair, criminal procedure article additions review committee, 2007-08).

Chief Judge, Court of Special Appeals, November 1990 to November 1996 (Judge, At Large, 1977-90).

Assistant Attorney General of Maryland, 1965-68. Chief Legislative Officer, Office of the Governor, 1974-77 (staff assistant, 1971-74). Member, Task Force to Study Circuit Court Unification, 1975-77; Task Force on the Board of Public Works, 1976-77; Task Force on Crime, 1976-77; Commission to Study Domestic Relations Laws, 1976-77; Commission on Funding the Education of Handicapped Children, 1976-77. Chair, Commission on the Evaluation and Coordination of Aggressive Offender Treatment, 1976-78. Chair, Task Force on Mentally Ill Offenders, 1985-86. Member, Juvenile Justice Advisory Council, 1988; Task Force on Drunk and Drugged Driving, 1988. Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on Management of Litigation, 1991-92. Member, Commission on the Future of Maryland Courts, 1995-97 (chair, committee on structure & governance); Task Force to Examine Crime Victims' Rights Laws in Maryland, 1995-2003; Advisory Panel for Archives of Maryland Online, 2000-.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, January 26, 1937. Attended Baltimore City College; The Johns Hopkins University, A.B., 1958, M.L.A., 1966; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1962 (order of the coif). Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1962. Associate, Sherbow, Shea & Doyle, 1962-65; Venable, Baetjer & Howard, 1968-71. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; Maryland Bar Foundation; Baltimore County Bar Association. Member, Council of Chief Judges of Courts of Appeal, American Bar Association, 1990-96. Adjunct Faculty (alternative methods of dispute resolution), University of Maryland School of Law, and University of Baltimore School of Law. Author, The Maryland Board of Public Works: A History (1984). Author, "Blame It All on Nero: Code Creation and Revision in Maryland," Rule Day Club, 1994. Honorary Order of the Coif, 1993; Distinguished Graduate Award, Alumni Association, University of Maryland School of Law, 1999; Distinguished Service Award, Maryland Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration. Legal Excellence Award for Advancement of Professional Competence, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2006. Influential Marylanders, Daily Record, 2011. H. Vernon Eney Endowment Fund Award, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2011. Judge of the Year, 2011-2012, Litigation Section, Maryland State Bar Association.

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