![[photo, Dale R. Cathell], Court of Appeals Judge](/msa/mdmanual/29ap/images/1198-1-5923.jpg)
Judge, Court of Special Appeals, 1st Appellate Judicial Circuit (Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico & Worcester counties), 1989-98. Member, Family and Domestic Relations Law Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1995-97. Past member, Executive Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference.
Administrative Judge, Worcester County Circuit Court, 1st Judicial Circuit, 1982-89 (Associate Judge, 1981-82).
Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 2, Worcester County, 1980-81.
City Attorney, Town of Ocean City, 1970-76. Member, Worcester County Shoreline Commission, 1971; Charter Revision Committee, City of Ocean City, 1973; Utility Consumer Advisory Panel, 1978.
Born in Berlin, Maryland, July 30, 1937. Attended Stephen Decatur High School. Served in U.S. Air Force, 1955-59. University of Maryland, 1962-64; Mt. Vernon School of Law, LL.B., 1967. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1967. Partner, Cathell & Ewell, 1970-80. Maryland Panel, The McCammon Group. Member, American Bar Association; Maryland State Bar Association (past member, judicial appointments committee; special committee on offshore natural resources & onshore land use); Baltimore City Bar Association; Worcester County Bar Association (past president); Maryland Bar Foundation; American Judges Association. Organizer, Legal Intern Program. Member, Judicial Advisory Board, Law and Economics Center, George Mason University. Instructor (courts & the community), WOR-WIC Community College, 1973; Salisbury State University, 1978. Author, From Lands Over (2003); Wading Through the Swamp: Memoirs of a Bad Boy (2014). Recipient of numerous service to education awards. Outstanding Service Award, Maryland State Fraternal Order of Police, 1979. Certificate of Achievement, Maryland Mock Court Competition, 1983. Certificate of Appreciation, Ocean City/Berlin Optimist Club, 1983. Access to Justice Award, Women's Law Center of Maryland, 2004.
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