Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



ROBERT L. KARWACKI, (1933-2014)
Judge, Court of Appeals. 1st Appellate Judicial Circuit, 1990 to August 1997. Retired August 1997.

Judge, Court of Special Appeals, At Large, 1984-90.

Circuit Administrative Judge, 8th Judicial Circuit, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 1978-84 (Associate Judge, 1973-78). Member, Commission to Study the Judicial Branch of Government, 1981-82.

Assistant attorney general for Maryland, 1963-65. Member, Governor's Commission to Revise the Testamentary Laws of Maryland, 1965-69. President, Board of School Commissioners, Baltimore City, 1970-71. Chair, Juvenile Justice Commission, 1975-77. Member, Advisory Board, Juvenile Services Administration, 1976-79.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, August 2, 1933. Attended Mt. St. Joseph's High School, Baltimore; University of Maryland, A.B., 1954; University of Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1956. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1956. Served in U.S. Army Reserve, 1955-61. Partner, Miles & Stockbridge, P.C., 1965-73 (associate, 1957-63). Member, American and Maryland State Bar Associations. Died in Chester, Maryland, June 9, 2014.

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