Chair (chosen by Governor): Sam J. Abed, Secretary of Juvenile Services, 2021Appointed by Governor: Nathaniel R. Balis; Stuart P. Campbell; Heather N. Chapman; Lynn D. Davis; Terry Dodson; Matthew E. Fonseca; Eric N. Ford; V. Glenn Fueston, Jr.; Jabriera S. Handy; Michael S. Harrison; Rosemary King Johnston; Pauline Mandel, Esq.; David A. McGlone; Scott D. Shellenberger; Melissa Sickmund, Ph.D.; Jinney S. Smith, Ph.D. Terms expire 2021.
Appointed by Senate President: Jill P. Carter; Christopher R. West; one vacancy.
Appointed by House Speaker: Luke H. Clippinger; Michael A. Jackson; Jesse T. Pippy.
Appointed by Chief Judge, Court of Appeals: Michael J. Stamm
Ex officio: Hannibal Kemerer, Esq., designee of Attorney General; Sylvia A. Lawson, Ph.D., designee of State Superintendent of Schools; Michael T. Guilbault, Ph.D., designee of Secretary of Health; Debbie A. Marini, designee of Secretary of Human Services; Betsy F. Tolentino, designee of Secretary of Juvenile Services; Robert L. Green, Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services; Ricardo A. Flores, Esq., designee of Public Defender.
![[photo, Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle (from Bladen St.), Annapolis, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/07leg/legser/images/1198-1-06483b.jpg)
c/o Department of Legislative Services
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 946-5350
web: http://dls.maryland.gov/policy-areas/juvenile-justice-reform-council
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle (from Bladen St.), Annapolis, Maryland, July 2014. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Interim Report to Governor & General Assembly due Dec. 1, 2019 (Chapter 253, Acts of 2019).
Final Report to Governor & General Assembly due Dec. 1, 2020 (Chapter 253, Acts of 2019).
In June 2019, the Juvenile Justice Reform Council was authorized by the General Assembly (Chapter 253, Acts of 2019).
First, the Council is to establish an advisory stakeholder group. With that group, the Council will conduct roundtable discussion forums all over the State, maximizing public participation. Using data, the Council is to develop a statewide policy framework of strategies that increase public safety and reduce recidivism of young offenders. To treat juveniles who come in contact with the criminal and juvenile justice systems, best practices will be researched by the Council. Ways to limit contact of juveniles with the criminal and juvenile justice systems or otherwise mitigate the risk factors that lead to such contact are to be identified and recommended by the Council.
In pursuit of its goals, the Council may request technical assistance from the Abell Foundation, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Council of State Governments, the Vera Institute of Justice, or any similar organization.
Authorization for the Council ends June 30, 2021.
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