Appointed by Governor to 3-year terms:Rev. Anthony Lawson II, Chair (chosen by Council, 1-year term), 2017
Christine Jones Young, 2015; James H. Andrews, 2016; David C. Sharp, 2016.
Emma E. Byrnes; Emily Holchin Ferrin; Katja Fort Rhoden. Terms expire 2017.
Jennifer L. Eastman; Wilberto Flores, Jr.; Richard J. Moore. Terms expire 2019.
Rose Marie Carey. Term expires 2020.
Michael A. Bullis; Magtanggol (Bong) Delrosario; Laurie J. Elinoff; Thomas F. Laverty; Raymond C. Smith, Jr. Terms expire 2021.
Joyce D. Brooks. Term expires 2022.
Denise R. Thomas, Executive Director
12301 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, Maryland 20904
(240) 638-0074
The Maryland Statewide Independent-Living Council was started in 1988 by the State Department of Education as an advisory body to the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. In September 1993, the Governor established the Council as an independent policy body (Executive Order 01.01.1993.24) in accordance with 1992 amendments to the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC 796d).
The Council helps keep persons with disabilities active in family and community life rather than isolated in institutions. It aids them in becoming as self-reliant and self-sufficient as possible. Whenever appropriate, it helps them secure work. To provide and improve independent-living services to individuals with disabilities, the Council coordinates its work with the Maryland State Rehabilitation Council and other agencies.
A three-year State Plan for Independent-Living is developed jointly by the Council and the Division of Rehabilitation Services of the State Department of Education. This is submitted to the federal Rehabilitation Services Administration. The Council monitors implementation of the Plan and revises it annually.
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