Martin W. Kerrigan, Chair (chosen by Board, 1-year term)Appointed by Governor to 3-year terms: Laurie J. Elinoff; one vacancy. Terms expire 2010.
Adrienne L. Walker-Pittman, 2011; Norma D. Eisenberg, 2018; Larry Cadenhead, 2019.
Gil A. Abramson, Esq.; Norda Kittrie; Cory L. Kovacik; Steven J. Thomas; Heather W. Wheeler, D.P.T. Terms expire 2020.
Amanda K. Gallagher; Kara Lynn Kuntz Melcavage, Ph.D.; Melissa Ann Ruff. Terms expire 2021.
Sandra Bastinelli; Thomas P. Gallup; Lisa A. Schoenbrodt, Ed.D. Terms expire 2022.
Appointed by Senate President: Nancy J. King
Appointed by House Speaker: one vacancy
Appointed by Director, Behavioral Health Administration: Stefani R. O'Dea; one vacancy.
Appointed by Director, Center for Preventive Health Services: Joyce A. Dantzler
Appointed by Director, Developmental Disabilities Administration: Janet L. Furman
Appointed by Director, Division of Rehabilitation Services: Jody L. Boone
Appointed by Director, Office for Genetics & Children with Special Health Care Needs: Claudette D. Matthews, R.N.
Appointed by Director, Office of Health Services: Jeronica M. Baldwin
Appointed by Director, Maryland Disability Law Center: Casey Shea, Esq.
Appointed by Director, Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems: Carole A. Mays, R.N.
Appointed by Director, Maryland Statewide Independent-Living Council: one vacancy
Appointed by Director, National Institutes of Health: Alison Cernich, Ph.D.
Appointed by Executive Director, Brain Injury Association of Maryland: Joan Carney, Ed.D.; Linda Hutchinson-Troyer; Martin W. Kerrigan; Bryan Pugh.
Ex officio: Carol A. Beatty, Secretary of Disabilities; vacancy, designee of Secretary of Health; Marion D. Helfrich, designee of State Superintendent of Schools.
Staff: Nikisha C. Marion
c/o Behavioral Health Administration, Maryland Department of Health
Mitchell Building, Spring Grove Hospital Center, Dogwood Circle, Catonsville, MD 21228
(410) 402-8476
- Annual Report, 2019
- Annual Report, 2018
- Annual Report, 2017 & Primer
- Annual Report, 2016
- Annual Report, 2015
- Annual Report, 2014
- Annual Report, 2013
- Annual Report, 2012
- Annual Report, 2011
- Annual Report, 2010
- Annual Report, 2009
- Annual Report, 2008
- Annual Report, 2006
Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly due Nov. 30 (Chapter 306, Acts of 2005).
The State Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Board was authorized by the General Assembly in October 2005 (Chapter 306, Acts of 2005; Chapter 236, Acts of 2008).
The Board charge is to investigate the needs of citizens with traumatic brain injuries; identify gaps in services to them; and facilitate collaboration among organizations and State government agencies that provide services to these individuals.
Thirty-seven members constitute the Board. (Code Health-General Article, secs. 13-2101 through 13-2105).
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