Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



[photo, Tuajuanda C. Jordan, President, St. Mary's College of Maryland] TUAJUANDA C. JORDAN, Ph.D., President

President, St. Mary's College of Maryland, since July 1, 2014.

Member, Task Force to Study the Impact of Expanding Credit and Noncredit Courses for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 2014-16; Task Force to Study Exemptions from Higher Education Ethics Requirements and Procurement Rules to Facilitate Technology Transfer, 2015-16.

Fisk University, B.S. (chemistry), cum laude, 1982; Purdue University, Ph.D. (biochemistry), 1989. Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Cincinnati, 1989-93 (research associate, 1994). Associate Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Xavier University of Louisiana, 2005 (assistant professor, 1994-2000; associate professor, 2000-05; interim associate dean, college of arts & sciences, 2003-04; associate dean, college of arts & sciences, 2004-05). Director, Science Education Alliance, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 2008-11 (senior program officer, 2006-08). Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, Lewis & Clark College, 2011-14. Member, National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists & Chemical Engineers, 1995-2006; American Chemical Society, 1997-99, 2001-; Association of Women in Science, 2006-09. Board of Governors, National Conferences on Undergraduate Research, 2006-10. Member, Council on Undergraduate Research, 2007-08; American Society for Microbiology, 2007-. Torchbearer Award, Baltimore Metropolitan Chapter, National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc., 2014. Influential Marylander, Daily Record, 2015. Honorary member, Zeta Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa, 2015. Distinguished Woman Scholar, Purdue University, 2016.

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