Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Geoffrey W. Washington, Chair

Appointed by House Speaker to 2-year terms: Deborah T. Ally-Dickerson; Walter H. Ettinger, M.D.; Phylicia Porter; Michael Tyson.

Appointed by State Senators representing Legislative Election Districts 40 & 46 to 2-year terms: Acacia Asbell; Geoffrey W. Washington.

Appointed by Baltimore Mayor to 2-year terms: Colin D. Tarbert

Appointed by Baltimore City Council President to 2-year terms: Eric T. Costello; Bernard C. (Jack) Young.

Ex officio (those Baltimore City Local [Video Lottery] Development Council members who are not elected officials): Keisha Allen; Leonard Bush; Andrew P. Gervase; Jacqueline Grace-Pope; Rev. Alvin J. Gwynn, Sr.; Aparna Jain, Ph.D.; Jill Johnson; Alvin Lee; Karl M. Lowe; William J. Reuter; Wayne Vance; Elizabeth Whitmer.

Brad Rogers, Chief Executive Officer

1111 Light St., 4th floor, Baltimore, MD 21230
(410) 493-0852

Effective June 1, 2016, the General Assembly authorized the Baltimore Mayor and City Council to establish the South Baltimore Gateway Community Impact District Management Authority by City ordinance (Chapter 314, Acts of 2016). The Legislature specified, however, that the Authority is neither an agency of the Baltimore Mayor and City Council nor of State Government. In August 2016, the City Council enacted an ordinance creating the Authority and, in September 2016, the Mayor signed it into law.

The Authority's charge is to promote and market the South Baltimore Gateway Community Impact District, provide supplemental security and maintenance services, provide amenities in public areas, provide park and recreational programs and functions, and after the Authority is established, other services and functions as requested by the Authority and approved through an ordinance by the Mayor and City Council.

Within the South Baltimore Gateway Community Impact District are properties in the Barre Circle, Carroll Park, Carroll–Camden Industrial Area, Cherry Hill, Federal Hill, Lakeland, Middle Branch/Reedbird Parks, Mount Winans, Otterbein, Pigtown/Washington Village, Ridgely’s Delight, Riverside, Saint Paul, South Baltimore, Stadium Area, Spring Garden Industrial Area, and Westport Neighborhood Statistical Areas according to the 2011 Neighborhood Statistical Areas Map.

The Authority's Board of Directors consists of twenty-one members, the majority of whom are residents of the South Baltimore Gateway Community Impact District. Four members are appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates, and two are chosen by the State Senators representing Legislative Election Districts 40 and 46. The Baltimore City Council President appoints two members, and the Mayor appoints one. Appointed members serve two-year terms. Those twelve members of the Local [Video Lottery] Development Council who are not elected officials serve as ex officio members of the Board, at least until December 31, 2018.

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