Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



On July 1, 1970, the Maryland Environmental Service was created by the General Assembly as an independent agency (Chapter 240, Acts of 1970). It joined the Department of Natural Resources in 1972, and later separated from the Department to become a public instrumentality of the State in 1993 (Chapter 196, Acts of 1993).

[photo, Maryland Environmental Service, 259 Najoles Road, Millersville, Maryland] For private entities and federal, State and local governments, the Maryland Environmental Service provides water and wastewater treatment, solid waste management, composting, recycling, dredged material management, hazardous materials clean up, and renewable energy. Fees are charged for the agency's services. From these fees, operating funds for the Maryland Environmental Service are generated. The Service also may issue revenue bonds (Code Natural Resources Article, secs. 3-101 through 3-130).

Maryland Environmental Service, 259 Najoles Road, Millersville, Maryland, August 2004. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

Since 1971, all State-owned water, wastewater and solid waste management facilities are run and maintained by the Maryland Environmental Service (Executive Order 01.01.1971.11).

The Service works through four main offices: Environmental Dredging and Restoration; Environmental Operations; Information Technology and Innovation; and Water, Wastewater and Environmental Monitoring. The Board of Directors oversees the Service.


A nine-member Board of Directors governs the Maryland Environmental Service. The Board Director and five members are appointed by the Governor with Senate advice and consent. With the Governor's approval, a Deputy Director, Secretary, and Treasurer are named by the Director. Nonofficer members serve four-year terms (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 3-103).

Finance organized in September 2017 as Financial Performance, and assumed its present name in January 2019.

Strategic Partnerships and Industry Relations was initiated in February 2017 as Strategic Partnerships. In January 2019, it adopted its present name.


Environmental Dredging and Restoration provides dredged materials management services, including planning, design, environmental studies, and long-term facility operations and maintenance. It assesses dredging needs and placement options, and helps secure permits for environmental projects.

The Division operates and maintains the Cox Creek Dredged Material Management Facility (Anne Arundel County); the Masonville Dredged Material Management Facility (Baltimore City); the Hart-Miller Dredged-Material Containment Facility (Baltimore County); and the Poplar Island restoration project (Talbot County). The Division also has managed remediation and habitat development, covering the Swan Creek wetlands adjacent to Cox Creek and the Masonville Cove restoration and remediation project, along with other projects, for the Maryand Port Administration, the Department of Natural Resources, and other federal, State, local and private clients.


Under the the Maryland Environmental Service, Environmental Operations began as Environmental Services and Waste Management, and reorganized under its present name in 2004.

State-mandated programs for environmental protection are overseen by Environmental Operations throughout Maryland. These programs involve a variety of responsibilities. For example, Environmental Operations runs the Baltimore County Resource Recovery Facility, the Western Acceptance Facility in Baltimore County, the Harford Solid Waste Program, the Montgomery County Material Recycling Facility, and the Prince George's County Material Recovery Facility. It also oversees yard waste and composting projects conducted at the Mid-Shore II Regional Landfill (Caroline County); the Yard Waste Composting Facility (Montgomery County); the Western Branch Yard and Food Waste Composting Facility (Prince George's County); and the Mid-Shore I Transfer Facility (Talbot County). Moreover, programs for scrap-tire stockpile cleanup and recovery, and used motor oil and antifreeze recycling are conducted by Environmental Operations.

Byproducts of recycling are marketed by the Service. Food waste, leaves, and grass clippings are composted and sold as organic soil amendments.

Environmental Operations is responsible for two divisions: Project Management, and Recycling.

Under Environmental Operations, the Project Management Division started as Solid Waste Engineering, and reformed under its present name in 2011.

The Recycling Division began as Materials Handling and Solid Waste and, in 2007, became the Solid Waste Operations Division. In January 2019, it reformed as the Recycling Division.

Through transfer stations, landfills, and recycling, the Recycling Division disposes of solid waste for Maryland communities.

    To meet the energy needs of the Eastern Correctional Institution in Somerset County, Environmental Operations operates and maintains a wood-burning co-generation facility which generates steam, hot water, and electricity. The facility provides approximately 85 percent of the electrical and 100 percent of the thermal needs of the Institution.

    To provide heat and hot water for the Institution, Environmental Operations also runs the Maryland Correctional Institution - Hagerstown Steam Power Plant in Washington County.



In 2004, Environmental Services formed as Technical and Environmental Services. It was renamed Environmental Services in September 2017. In January 2019, it was restructured as Water, Wastewater and Environmental Monitoring.

Water, Wastewater and Environmental Monitoring oversees three divisions: Environmental Monitoring, Water and Wastewater Engineering, and Water and Wastewater Operations and Maintenance.

Environmental Monitoring assists clients with comprehensive water quality laboratory testing, sampling, and reporting. It helps them manage environmental program requirements; operate and maintain facilities and systems; and provides geospatial and hydrologic/hydraulic engineering services.

With the Maryland Aviation Administration, the Division works to provide 24-hour emergency response at Baltimore/Washington International (BWI) Thurgood Marshall Airport and Martin State Airport. For both airports, on a daily basis, the Division supports operations effected by weather and other emergencies. To prevent the runoff of toxic chemicals into nearby streams and tributaries, the Division manages the de-icing fluid recovery process in the winter.

The Division provides comprehensive program management, technical and scientific consulting, and field-based services to agencies of the Department of Transportation. Services include environmental spill and leak investigations, including sampling and remediation; and assistance with current standards for water quality, such as the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and Total Maximum Daily Loads requirements. In environmentally safe ways, the Division also inspects and removes underground storage tanks, and installs above-ground storage tanks. It assists with fueling facility upgrades; asbestos and lead paint monitoring; invasive-species control; stormwater management programs; oil and water separator inspection and maintenance; and environmental management system development.

To help State government organize, plan, and implement multi-agency environmental efforts, Environmental Monitoring uses Geographic Information Systems technology. It digitizes and maps environmental data for multiple State agencies.

Water and Wastewater Engineering originated as Engineering Services in 2004 under Technical and Environmental Services. In 2005, it reformed as Water and Wastewater Engineering and transferred to Water and Wastewater Services.

This division works with private clients and local, State and federal government agencies to manage capital improvement projects at water and wastewater treatment facilities, and water distribution and sewer collection systems. In addition, the division investigates and designs solutions for plant operation problems. For municipalities, the division provides technical assistance to apply for and administer federal and State environmental protection grants and loans.

Water and Wastewater Operations and Maintenance began under Environmental Operations as Water and Wastewater Management in 2004, and transferred to Water and Wastewater Services in 2005. The division was renamed Water and Wastewater Operations in 2007 and received its present name in 2011.

Core duties of Water and Wastewater Operations and Maintenance are to ensure a safe drinking-water supply and minimize the environmental impact of residential and industrial wastewater discharge. County, municipal and private facilities, as well as all State plants at correctional institutions, health facilities, rest areas, and parks are operated and maintained by this division. Wastewater sludge and dredged material from waterways also are managed by the division.

The water and wastewater treatment plant at the Eastern Correctional Institution in Somerset County is run and maintained by this division. In addition, the division manages the Wastewater Plant at the Maryland Correctional Institution-Hagerstown in Washington County.

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