Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



[photo, Motor Vehicle Administration, 6601 Ritchie Highway, NE, Glen Burnie, Maryland] Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation, 1971-

Motor Vehicle Administration, 6601 Ritchie Highway, NE, Glen Burnie, Maryland, October 2002. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

State Highway Administration
State Geological & Economic Survey, 1898-1904
State Geological & Economic Survey, Division of Highways, 1904-1908
State Roads Commission, 1908-
Department of Transportation, State Highway Administration, 1971-

Motor Vehicle Administration
Secretary of State, 1904-10
Office of the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, 1910-43
Department of Motor Vehicles, 1943-71
Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicle Administration, 1971-

Maryland Aviation Administration
State Aviation Commission, 1929-71
Department of Transportation, State Aviation Administration, 1971-89
Department of Transportation, Maryland Aviation Administration, 1989-94
Department of Transportation, Maryland Aviation Commission, Maryland Aviation Administration, 1994-

Maryland Port Administration
Maryland Port Authority, 1956-71
Department of Transportation, Maryland Port Administration, 1971-88
Department of Transportation, Maryland Port Commission, Maryland Port Administration, 1988-

Maryland Transit Administration
Metropolitan Transit Authority, 1961-71
Department of Transportation, Mass Transit Administration, 1971-2001
Department of Transportation, Maryland Transit Administration, 2001-

Department of Transportation, State Railroad Administration, 1978-92
Department of Transportation, Mass Transit Administration, 1992-2001
Department of Transportation, Maryland Transit Administration, 2001-

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