Interim State Superintendent of Schools, September 11, 2015 to June 1, 2016. Secretary-Treasurer, State Board of Education, 2015-16. Deputy State Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, and Chief Academic Officer, 2013-15. Member, Governor's Executive Council, 2015-16; Children's Cabinet, 2015-16. Chair, Coordinating Council for Juvenile Services Educational Programs, 2015-16; Interagency Committee on School Construction, 2015-16; Superintendent's Family Engagement Council, 2015-16. Co-Chair, Maryland Partnership for Children in Nature, 2015-16. Member, Maryland State Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, 2015; Maryland School-Based Health Center Policy Advisory Council, 2015.
Superintendent of Schools, Montgomery County, 2016-. Member, Teacher Induction, Retention and Advancement Act of 2016 Work Group, 2017. Governing Board, Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center, 2017-19. Member, Professional Standards and Teacher Education Board, 2019-.
Superintendent of Schools, Calvert County, 2006-13 (middle school principal, 1998-2002; director of curriculum & instruction, 2002-03; deputy superintendent, 2003-06).
Co-Chair, Task Force on Arts Education in Maryland Schools, P-20 Leadership Council of Maryland, 2013-14; Maryland College and Career-Ready Standards and Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) Implementation Review Work Group, 2014-15.
Born in Stella, Missouri, September 9, 1957. Eastern Washington University, B.A. (english & communications), 1980, M.Ed. (school administration), 1985; Notre Dame of Maryland University, Ph.D. (instructional leadership), 2009. Teacher, 1980-85, and Assistant Principal, 1985-88, Hanford Secondary School, Richland, Washington. Principal, Richland School District, Richland, Washington, 1988-92. Middle and High School Principal, Christian Academy, Tokyo, Japan, 1992-98. Adjunct instructor, Columbia Basin College, 1984-91; Eastern Washington University, 1991; Heritage College, 1991-92. Member, Phi Delta Kappa, 1984-; Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1985-2013; National Association of Secondary School Principals, 1985-2013; National Staff Development Council, 2002-07; National School Boards Association, 2003-13; Public School Superintendents' Association of Maryland, 2003-13. Governing Board, American Association of School Administrators, 2011-13 (member, 2006-14). Leadership Maryland Class of 2011. Public School Superintendent of the Year, Public School Superintendents' Association of Maryland, 2013. Married; five children.
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