![[photo, Hagner R. Mister, Maryland Secretary of Agriculture]](/msa/mdmanual/10dag/images/1198-1-2634b.jpg)
Secretary of Agriculture, 2001-03
Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, 1998-2001.
Secretary of Agriculture, February 1, 2001 to January 15, 2003.
Member, Board of Regents, University System of Maryland, 2001-03; Governor's Executive Council, 2001-03; Cabinet Council on Business, Economic Development, and Transportation, 2001-03; Governor's Subcabinet for International Affairs, 2001-03; Smart Growth and Neighborhood Conservation Subcabinet, 2001; Smart Growth Subcabinet, 2001-03. Member, Task Force to Study the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation, 2001; Task Force on Energy Conservation and Efficiency in Maryland, 2001; Task Force on Resource-Based Industry in Maryland, 2001-02. Co-Chair, Interagency Nutrient Reduction Oversight Committee, 2001-03. Member, Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation, 2001-03; Governor's Council on the Chesapeake Bay, 2001-03; State Children's Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council, 2001-03; Maryland Food Center Authority, 2001-03; Maryland Horse Industry Board, 2001-03; Mid-Atlantic Poultry Health Council, 2001-03; Governor's Pesticide Council, 2001-03; Rural Legacy Board, 2001-03; Scenic and Wild Rivers Review Board, 2001-03; State Soil Conservation Committee, 2001-03; Maryland Winery and Grape Growers' Advisory Board, 2001-03. Member, Advisory Committee on the Management and Protection of the State's Water Resources, 2002-03; Task Force to Study the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation, 2002-03.
Member, Board of Education, Calvert County, 1973-82 (past president).
Member, Board of County Commissioners, Calvert County, 1990-98 (president, 1994-98). Member, Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland, 1990-98 (chair, 1992-93, 1998-99). Past member, Environmental Commission, Calvert County.
Co-Chair, Agriculture Work Group, Governor-elect's Transition Team, 2006-07.
Born December 20, 1934. Graduated from Calvert County High School, Prince Frederick, Maryland, 1953. Served in Maryland National Guard, 1952-58; U.S. Army Reserves, 1958-60. Farmer. Employed by Natural Resources and Conservation Services, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1953-86. Chair, Calvert County Democratic Central Committee, 2011, 2017-18 (member, 2002-). Member, Soil Conservation Society of America (past president, Old Line Chapter); National Association of Conservation Districts. Member, Calvert County Farm Bureau; Prince Frederick Lodge no. 142, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. Past president, Calvert County Historical Society. Member, Trinity United Methodist Church, Prince Frederick, Maryland. Commendation Award, Soil Conservation Society of America, 1983. Louis L. Goldstein Award, Calvert County Democratic Central Committee, 2016. Married, three children.
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