Chair: Isabel FitzGerald, Secretary of Information TechnologyVice-Chair: Samuel Clark, Director, Governor's StateStat Office
![[photo, 45 Calvert St., Annapolis, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/11dbm/images/1198-1-600b.jpg)
Bryan C. Ebling; John (Bud) Gudmundson; Heidi L. Hammel; Jeffrey A. Lagana; Michael S. Scott, Ph.D. Terms expire 2015.
45 Calvert St., Annapolis, Maryland, December 2003. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Ex officio: Maj. Gen. James A. Adkins, Adjutant General; Tammy M. Brown, Executive Director, Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention; Andrew A. Lauland, Governor's Homeland Security Advisor; Carrie D. DeBoy, designee of Secretary of Agriculture; Kurt J. Stolzenbach, designee of Secretary of Budget & Management; Dominick E. Murray, Secretary of Business & Economic Development; James M. Purvis, designee of Secretary of the Environment; Keith Snipes, designee of Secretary of General Services; Joshua M. Sharfstein, M.D., Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene; M. Sue McLean, designee of Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Catherine Luckhardt, designee of Secretary of Human Resources; Leonard J. Howie III, Secretary of Labor, Licensing, & Regulation; Kevin J. Coyne, designee of Secretary of Natural Resources; James R. Cannistra, designee of Secretary of Planning; David N. Bezanson, designee of Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services; Michael B. Roosa, designee of Secretary of State Police; Charles F. Bristow, designee of Secretary of Transportation; Lillian M. Lowery, Ed.D., State Superintendent of Schools; Robert E. Young, Director of Assessments & Taxation; Kenneth J. Mallette, Director, Maryland Emergency Management Agency; Robert R. Bass, Executive Director, Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems.
Staff: Kenneth M. Miller
c/o Office of Secretary, Dept. of Information Technology
45 Calvert St., Annapolis, MD 21401 - 1907
(410) 260-4044; fax: (410) 974-5615
In December 2009, the Maryland Integrated Map (MD iMap) Executive Committee was created by the Governor (Executive Order 01.01.2009.20; Executive Order 01.01.2012.04). As a subcabinet, the Committee advised the Governor on issues related to MD iMap and geospatial policy.
The Maryland Integrated Map (MD iMap) is a statewide mapping system that supports the efforts of Maryland agencies and local governments in providing services to Marylanders and tracking progress towards strategic policy goals. Currently, MD iMap is used to track economic and job growth; manage resources; inform the public; preserve and restore the natural environment; and advance public health initiatives. It also is used to ensure public safety; plan for emergency services; and support science and technology.
The Executive Committee developed and approved policy and procedures for MD iMap. Further, it developed the budget and identified funding for operating MD iMap; and provided guidance to the Technical Committee. For MD iMap, the Executive Committee also advertised and marketed its applications and results.
The Executive Committee last met in February 2014.
The Technical Committee worked to develop MD iMap content, policies, and procedures. It established and monitored MD iMap's metrics; ensured consistency; made recommendations and identified problems; provided oversight and advice on GIS projects; and researched new technologies.
The Committee included State agency personnel and local government representatives who work in geographic information services.
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