Brian J. Feldman, Senate Chair (chosen by Senate President) (410) 841-3169, (301) 858-3169Benjamin T. Brooks, Sr., House Chair (chosen by House Speaker) (410) 841-3352, (301) 858-3352
Appointed by Senate President:
Malcolm L. Augustine
Edward R. Reilly
Appointed by House Speaker:
John F. Mautz, IV
Pamela E. Queen
![[photo, Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle (from College Ave.), Annapolis, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/07leg/legser/images/1198-1-08433c.jpg)
c/o Department of Legislative Services
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 946-3519, (301) 970-3519; 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3519 (toll free)
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle (from College Ave.), Annapolis, Maryland, January 2018. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
In January 2020, the Joint Electric Universal Service Program Work Group was revived.
The Electric Universal Service Program originated from the 1999 restructuring Electric Competition Law, and the Electric Customer Choice and Competition Act of 1999, which provided funds for an ongoing and non-lapsing universal service program. A universal service program helps low-income customers maintain electric service, and provides customer bill assistance and payment programs, termination of service protection, and policies and services that help low-income customers reduce or manage energy consumption in a cost-effective manner.
In July 2000, when collection of universal service funds from customers started, the Office of Home Energy Programs under the Department of Human Resources (now Department of Human Services ) began operating the Electric Universal Service Program made up of three parts: bill payment assistance, arrearage retirement payments, and weatherization.
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