Vacancy, Senate Chair (chosen by Senate President) (410) 841-, (301) 858-Luke H. Clippinger, House Chair (chosen by House Speaker) (410) 841-3303, (301) 858-3303
- Appointed by Senate President:
George C. Edwards
J. B. Jennings
Nancy J. King
Katherine A. Klausmeier
one vacancy
Appointed by House Speaker:
Jazz M. Lewis
Warren E. Miller
Patrick G. Young, Jr.
two vacancies
Staff: Lindsay A. Rowe; e-mail:
c/o Department of Legislative Services
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 946-5350, (301) 970-5350; 1-800-492-7122, ext. 5350 (toll free)
- Annual [Interim] Report, 2019
- Annual [Interim] Report, 2018
- Annual [Interim] Report, 2017
- Annual [Interim] Report, 2016
- Annual [Interim] Report, 2015
Annual Report to Legislative Policy Committee due Dec. 1
Report to Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee, & House Health & Government Operations Committee on administrative process for resolving appeals under Maryland Public Information Act due Jan. 1, 2015 (Chapter 102, Acts of 2014).
In June 2014, the Joint Committee on Legislative Information Technology and Open Government was authorized (Chapters 464, Acts of 2014). The Committee consolidates functions of the former Joint Committee on Legislative Data Systems, and the Joint Committee on Transparency and Open Government.
The Committee reviews and evaluates legislative information technology systems and goals for the General Assembly and its staff agencies. The Committee also seeks to identify ways to improve transparency, citizen engagement, and public awareness of and access to government resources, publications, and actions. To enhance the security of State information technology systems and information held by State government units, the Committee evaluates the effects of transparency and open government policies and actions and makes recommendations for improvement.
Of the Committee's twelve members, six senators are appointed by the Senate President, and six delegates are named by the House Speaker. The Senate President and House Speaker each name a co-chair (Code State Government Article, sec. 2-10A-14).
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