Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


[photo, Dana C. Jones, Maryland State Delegate] DANA C. JONES
Democrat, District 30A, Anne Arundel County

    House Office Building, Room 154
    6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
    (410) 841-3211, (301) 858-3211
    1-800-492-7122, ext. 3211 (toll free)
    fax: (410) 841-3209, (301) 858-3209

Member of House of Delegates since May 1, 2020. Member, Ways and Means Committee, 2020-. Member, Women Legislators of Maryland, 2020-.

Legislative assistant to U.S. Representative Benjamin L. Cardin of Maryland, 3rd Congressional District (parts of Anne Arundel, Baltimore & Howard counties, & Baltimore City), 1999-2001.

Born in Cumberland, Maryland, June 26, 1976. Attended Fort Hill High School, Cumberland, Maryland; Towson University, B.S. (sociology), 1998. Campaign manager, Robert Zirkin for House of Delegates, 1997-98.Senior Researcher, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, 2001-02. Research Director, Emily's List, 2002-09. Partner, Gragert Jones Research, 2009-12. Independent political consultant, 2013-. Communications Vice-President, Junior League of Annapolis. Married; one son.

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