Member of House of Delegates, January 8, 2003 to December 17, 2009. Resigned December 17, 2009. Member, Health and Government Operations Committee, 2003-09 (government operations subcommittee, 2003-09; health occupations subcommittee, 2003-04; public health subcommittee, 2003-04; pharmaceuticals subcommittee, 2005-06; public health & long-term care subcommittee, 2007-09); Joint Committee on Federal Relations, 2007-09. Member, House Work Group to Study Maryland Law regarding Access to Firearms and Sharing of Health Information, 2007; House Emergency Medical Services Work Group, 2009. Chair, Frederick County Delegation, 2007-09 (vice-chair, 2003-06). Parliamentarian, and Chair, Rules Committee, Republican House Caucus, 2003-08. Member, Maryland Rural Caucus, 2003-09; Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus, 2003-09; Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2005-09.
Born in Wilmington, Delaware, September 26, 1958. Attended William Penn High School, New Castle, Delaware. Served in U.S. Navy (submarine service), 1976-80. Civilian employee, Navy Department, 1982-94. Attended University of Maryland (part time, public administration), 1989-91. City Administrator, City of Brunswick, 1994-99, 2011-13. Chief Operations Officer, City of Frederick, 1999-2001. President and Chief Executive Officer, United Way of Frederick County, 2008-09. Executive Assistant to Mayor of Frederick, 2009-10. President and Chief Executive Officer, Frederick County Chamber of Commerce, 2018- (formerly vice-president of chamber operations; executive director, leadership frederick). Board member, Brunswick Medical Center, 1994-; Frederick County Business Development Advisory Council, 2001-02. Member, Steering Committee for Potomac River American Heritage River Nomination, 1996-98. Member, U.S. Submarine Veterans, Inc., TriState Base, 1999-. Member, Cancer Coalition of Frederick County, 2000-02. Board of Directors, Weinberg Center for the Performing Arts, 2001-02. Member, Republican Clubs of Frederick and Washington Counties; National Rifle Association. Valedictorian, Leadership Frederick County Class of 1998-99. Legislator of the Year, Maryland State Firemen's Association, 2004. State Legislator of the Year, GrandFamilies of America, 2008. Public Policy Champion of the Year, Maryland Works, Inc., 2008. Married; three children.
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