Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

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[photo, Guy J. Guzzone, Maryland State Senator] GUY J. GUZZONE
Democrat, District 13, Howard County

    Miller Senate Office Building, 3 West Wing
    11 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
    (410) 841-3572, (301) 858-3572
    fax: (410) 841-3850, (301) 858-3850

Member of Senate since January 14, 2015. Chair, Budget and Taxation Committee, 2020- (member, 2015-; capital budget subcommittee, 2019-; chair, health & human services subcommittee, 2019-, member, 2015-; chair, pensions subcommittee, 2016-18, member, 2015-). Member, Rules Committee, 2019-; Legislative Policy Committee, 2019-; Executive Nominations Committee, 2020-; Special Joint Committee on Pensions, 2020-; Spending Affordability Committee, 2020-; Joint Covid-19 Response Legislative Work Group, 2020-. Member, Public Safety and Policing Work Group, 2015-16; Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review, 2015-19. Majority Whip, 2016-18. Senate Chair, Special Joint Committee on Pensions, 2017-18 (member, 2015-18). Member, Joint Audit Committee, 2017-19 (senate chair, 2015-16); Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee, 2019; Marijuana Legalization Work Group, 2019. Majority Leader, 2019. Senate Chair, Howard County Delegation, 2015-18. Member, Maryland Military Installation Legislative Caucus, 2017-; Maryland Legislative Transit Caucus, 2019-. Member, Eastern Regional Conference, Council of State Governments, 2019- (health committee, 2019-); National Conference of State Legislatures, 2019- (health & human services committee, 2019-).

Member, Early Childhood Education Action Group, Howard County, 2015-; State Children's Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council, 2016-. Board of Directors, Maryland School for the Blind, 2016-. Member, Objective Criteria Committee, State Retirement and Pension System, 2018. Chair, Complete Streets Program Regulations Work Group, 2018-. Vice-Chair, Chesapeake Bay Commission, 2020- (member, 2016-).

Chair, County Executive-elect Transition Team, Howard County, 2018-.

Member of House of Delegates, representing District 13, Howard County, January 10, 2007 to January 14, 2015. Member, Appropriations Committee, 2007-14 (health & human resources subcommittee, 2007-08; oversight committee on personnel, 2007-14; education & economic development subcommittee, 2009-12; capital budget subcommitee, 2013-14; chair, public safety & administration subcommittee, 2013-14); House Emergency Medical Services Work Group, 2009-12; Joint Committee on the Management of Public Funds, 2011-14. House Chair, Joint Audit Committee, 2011-14. Deputy Majority Whip, 2011-14. Co-Chair, Special Joint Commission on Public Safety and Security in State and Local Correctional Facilities, 2013. Member, Regional Revitalization Work Group, 2013-14. House Chair, Howard County Delegation, 2008-10, 2011-14.

Member, Blue Ribbon Commission to Study Retiree Health-Care Funding Options, 2007-09. Presidential Elector, Maryland, 2008. Member, Interagency Steering Committee for Managing for Results, 2008-15; Girls' Services Strategic Plan Task Force, Dept. of Juvenile Services, 2010; State Interagency Coordinating Council [for Infants & Toddlers], 2010-14; P-20 Leadership Council of Maryland, 2010-15; Task Force to Study Implementing a Civil Right to Counsel in Maryland, 2013-14; Central Maryland Transit Study Group, 2014.

Legislative Assistant to U.S. Representative Bill Nelson of Florida, 1988-91.

Special Assistant to Howard County Council member, Shane E. Pendergrass, 1991-95. Legislative Assistant to Delegate Shane E. Pendergrass, Howard County, 1995. Member, Rural Legacy Technical Review Group, Department of Natural Resources, 1997; Maryland Air Quality Control Advisory Council, 1997-2002.

Member, County Council, Howard County, representing Councilmanic District 3, 1998-2006 (chair, 2001, 2003-05; chair, zoning board, 2000, 2006).

Member, Steering Committee, Governor's Smart Codes Strategy Group, 1999. Board of Trustees, Chesapeake Bay Trust, 1999-2003. Member, State Economic Growth, Resource Protection, and Planning Commission, 2000-02.

Chair, County Executive-elect Transition Team, Howard County, 2006. Member, Tourism Board, Howard County, 2007-.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, March 27, 1964. Attended Parkville High School, Parkville, Maryland; University of Maryland, College Park, B.A. (economics), 1986, B.A. (government & politics), 1986; M.P.M. (public management), 1988 (MacArthur Graduate Fellow); Georgetown University Public Policy Institute, executive certificate (juvenile justice: multi-system integration), 2008. Eagle Scout. Chair, Board of Directors, Kings Contrivance Village, Columbia, Maryland, 1995-98 (member, 1994-98). State Director, Maryland Chapter, Sierra Club, 1996-98. Member, Legislative Committee, Maryland Association of Counties, 1998-2002. Board of Directors, Community Action Council of Howard County, Maryland, Inc., 2002-05; Advisory Board, Even-Start Family Literacy Program, 2005-07. Volunteer, NeighborRide, 2006-. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 2012, 2016. Legislative Star for the Community, Behavioral Health Association of Maryland, 2008. Achievement Award, Maryland Association of Community Services, 2008. Maryland Tourism Advocate Award, Maryland Tourism Council, 2009. Jim Greenfield Compassionate Leadership Award, Arc of Howard County, 2010. Legislative Leadership Award, Maryland Association of Community Services, 2012. Special Recognition Award, Maryland Legal Services Corporation, 2013. Legislative Champion Award, Maryland Association of Community Services, 2014. President's Award, Arc of Howard County, 2014. Public Service Award, Arc of Baltimore, 2014. Legislative Award, Arc of Maryland, 2014. Legislator of the Year Award, Maryland Access to Justice Commission, 2014. Legislative Champion Award, Maryland Association of Community Services, 2014, 2015. Outstanding Legislative Leadership Award, Arc of Maryland, 2015, 2016. Legislative Superhero Award, Community Behavioral Health Association of Maryland, 2016. Humanitarian Award, Howard County Community Action Council, 2017. Award of Special Recognition, Maryland Legal Services Corporation, 2017. Community Engagement Award, Phillips Programs for Children and Families, 2018. Legislator of the Year Award, Mental Health Association of Maryland, 2018. Friend of Municipal Government, Maryland Municipal League, 2019. Legislator of the Year, Maryland Retailers Association, 2019.

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