Member of Senate, February 8, 2008 to January 12, 2011. Member, Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee, 2008-11 (alcoholic beverages subcommittee, 2008-11; base realignment & closure (brac) subcommittee, 2008-11; education subcommittee, 2008-11; ethics & election law subcommittee, 2009-11); Joint Committee on Access to Mental Health Services, 2009-11. Member, Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, 2008-11.
Chair, Task Force on Student Physical Fitness in Maryland Public Schools, 2008. Member, Task Force to Study Issues Related to Students Subject to Multiple Suspensions, 2008-09; Task Force to Study the Procurement of Health and Social Services by State Agencies, 2009-10; Task Force to Study the Procurement of Health, Education, and Social Services by State Agencies, 2010-11; Maryland Commission on Disabilities, 2010-11. Member, Redistricting Commission, Prince George's County, 2011-.
Member, Board of Health, Prince George’s County, 2002-08. Board of Directors, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, 2006-08. Member, National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board, 2006-08. Former member, Prince George's County Redevelopment Authority.
Member, Blue Ribbon Commission on Addressing Prince George's County's Structural Deficit, 2015-17; Task Force to Study a Promise Scholarship Program in Prince George's County, 2016-17; Prince George's County Environmental Justice Commission, 2019-20.
Mayor of Bladensburg, 1995-2002.
Born in New York, New York, July 31, 1954. Howard University, B.A. (political science); Miami University of Ohio, M.A. Senior policy advisor, CommonHealth Action. Former senior fellow and faculty member, James MacGregor Burns Academy of Leadership, University of Maryland. President and Chief Executive Officer, Prince George's County Chamber of Commerce, 2008-. Board of Directors, Community Legal Services of Prince George's County, Inc., 2007-. Board of Directors, Maryland Association of Counties. Eastern Regional Representative, National Association of Black County Officials. Member, Progressive Cheverly; Minority Builders Industry Association. Former director of education, Close Up Foundation. Former president, Maryland Municipal League; Port Towns Community Development Corporation. Phyllis Campbell Newsome Public Policy Leadership Award, Center for Nonprofit Advancement, 2004, 2010. Ella Baker Civic Leadership Award, Hurston/Wright Foundation, 2007. Maryland Legislative Champion Award, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, 2009. Married; two children.
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