Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



[photo, Leonard H. Teitelbaum, State Senator] LEONARD H. TEITELBAUM
Democrat, District 19, Montgomery County

Member of Senate, January 11, 1995 to January 10, 2007. Senate Chair, Joint Advisory Committee on Legislative Data Systems, 1997-2007. Senate Chair, Joint Technology Oversight Committee, 2000-07. Member, Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee, 1995-96 (environment subcommittee, 1995-96; health subcommittee, 1995-96); Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing, 1995-2007; Finance Committee, 1997-2007 (telephone solicitation work group, 1999; division of labor & industry sunset evaluation work group, 2003; chair, health subcommittee, 2003-07); Executive Nominations Committee, 1999-2007; Joint Committee on Children, Youth and Families, 1999-2007; Joint Legislative Task Force on Universal Access to Quality and Affordable Health Care, 2005-06; Joint Committee on Access to Mental Health Services, 2005-07. Member, Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2004-07. Member, National Conference of State Legislatures (communications, technology & interstate commerce committee; legislative effectiveness & state government committee).

Member, Governor's Task Force on Procurement, 1995-96; Task Force to Examine the Applicability of Manufacturing Laws to High-Technology Businesses, 1997; Task Force on Privatization of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, 1998-99; Task Force to Conquer Cancer in Maryland, 1999; Task Force on Quality of Care in Nursing Facilities, 1999; Business and Technology Division Task Force, 2000; State Information Technology Board, 2000-04; Oversight Committee on Quality of Care in Nursing Homes, 2000-05; Task Force on Indoor Air Quality, 2001-02; State Commission on Public Safety Technology and Critical Infrastructure, 2002-05; Task Force to Study Moving Overhead Utility Lines Underground, 2003; Task Force on Access to Mental Health Services, 2003-04; Task Force to Study Criminal Offender Monitoring by Global Positioning Systems, 2004-05; CommunityChoice Advisory Group, 2004-07; Baltimore/Washington International (BWI) Airport Governance Study Group, 2005; Task Force to Implement Holocaust, Genocide, Human Rights and Tolerance Education, 2005-. Member, Energy and Environment Committee of Southern Legislative Council, Council of State Governments.

Member, House of Delegates, representing District 19 (Montgomery County), 1987-94. Member, Environmental Matters Committee, 1987-94 (continuing-care workgroup; chair, nurses registry workgroup); Joint Committee on Health Care Cost Containment, 1989-92; Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing, 1993-95. Member, Montgomery County Delegation (chair, 1990-93, vice-chair, 1989, bi-county agencies committee; chair, joint committee on washington suburban sanitary commission finances).

Member, Task Force to Study the Crisis in Nursing, 1987-88; Governor's Task Force to Review and Evaluate the Delivery System of Services to the Elderly, 1990-91; Task Force to Study Health Professional-Client Sexual Exploitation, 1993-95.

Member, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, 1981-87 (chair, 1983-84; vice-chair, 1982-83, 1986-87).

Born in Brooklyn, New York, February 27, 1931. Attended Lafayette High School, Brooklyn, New York; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, B.Mgt.Eng. (management engineering), 1953. Served in U.S. Army Signal Corps, PFC, Korean War; White House, 1953-55. Retired engineer. President, Terminal Data Corporation, 1970-2000. Member, Democratic Central Committee, Montgomery County, 1978-81; District 19 Democratic Club (past president). Board of Directors, Montgomery County Unit, American Cancer Society; Montgomery Hospice, 2001-; Friends of Aspen Hill Library; B'nai B'rith. Past member, Board of Directors, Homecrest House. Honorary member, Board of Directors, Great Oaks Center. Outstanding Service Award, Jewish Community Council of Greater Washington, 1985. Legislator of the Year Award, Maryland Dental Association, 1991. Public Policy Leadership Award, American Cancer Society, 2002. Legislator Recognition Award, Maryland Association of Counties, 2003. Board of Directors, Temple Israel, Silver Spring, Maryland. Married; one child.

On June 4, 2013, part of Georgia Avenue in Silver Spring (near Kemp Hill) was renamed after Senator Teitelbaum.

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