Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



[photo, George W. Della, Jr., State Senator] GEORGE W. DELLA, JR.
Democrat, District 46, Baltimore City

Member of Senate, January 1983 to January 12, 2011. Member, Economic Affairs Committee, 1983-84; Executive Nominations Committee, 1984-96; Finance Committee, 1985-2011; Tort and Insurance Reform Oversight Committee, 1988-93; Special Joint Committee on Energy Pricing, 1990-91; Joint Expenditure Study Group on Law Enforcement and Transportation, 1991; Joint Committee on the Management of Public Funds, 1991-94. Vice-Chair, Rules Committee, 1995-2003. Member, Joint Commission on the Maryland Port Administration, 2005-06. Member, Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2004.

Member, Baltimore City Council, 1976-83 (chair, budget & finance committee, 1979-83).

Member, State Use Industries Advisory Committee, 1999.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, June 5, 1943. Attended Gilman School; Baltimore, Maryland; Southern High School, Harwood, Maryland; University of Baltimore; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1972. Served in Maryland National Guard, 1965-71. Member, Baltimore City Democratic Central Committee, 1998-. Legislator of the Year, Maryland Nurses Association, 2004.

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