![[photo, William H. Amoss, State Senator]](/msa/mdmanual/05sen/former/images/msa12140.gif)
Democrat, District 35, Harford & Cecil Counties
Member of Senate, 1983-97, representing District 35 (Harford & Cecil counties). Vice-Chair, Budget and Taxation Committee, 1995-97 (public safety, transportation, economic development, & natural resources subcommittee; revenues & taxes subcommittee; chair, capital budget subcommittee; chair, pensions subcommittee). Member, Finance Committee, 1983-86; Joint Audit Committee (formerly Joint Budget and Audit Committee), 1983-97. Senate Chair, Special Joint Committee on Pensions, 1985-97. Member, Joint Committee on Chesapeake Bay Critical Areas, 1987-94; Budget and Taxation Committee, 1987-97; Spending Affordability Committee, 1991-97. Senate Co-Chair, Joint Transportation Financing Committee (Transportation 2000), 1994. Senate Vice-Chair, Joint Legislative Work Group on Community College Fianncing, 1994-95. Member, Task Force on Telecommunications Taxes, 1994-95; Joint Committee on State Economic Development Initiatives, 1995-96. Senate Chair, Joint Budget and Audit Committee, 1995-96. Member, Legislative Policy Committee, 1995-97; Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review, 1995-97; Joint Subcommittee on Program Open Space and Agricultural Land Preservation, 1995-97. Senate Chair, Joint Legislative Task Force on Organ and Tissue Donations, 1997. Chair, Harford County Delegation, 1991-97.
Member, Governor's Task Force on State Support for Volunteer Fire, Rescue and Ambulance Companies, 1983-85; State Use Industries Advisory Committee, 1983-97. Board of Trustees, Maryland Historical Trust, 1991-97. Member, Aquaculture Advisory Committee, 1993-97; Maryland Advisory Commission on Manufacturing Competitiveness, 1994-97; Bainbridge Re-Use Advisory Committee, 1996-97.
Member, House of Delegates, representing District 5A (Harford County), 1975-82. Member, Appropriations Committee; Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, December 2, 1936. Attended Harford County parochial and public schools; Harford Community College; University of Maryland-Overseas; Missouri School of Auctioneering. Auctioneer and appraiser. Served in U.S. Army, 1955-58. Member, Maryland Farm Bureau; Maryland and National Auctioneers Associations. Past director, Bel Air Jaycees. Legislator Recognition Award, Maryland Association of Counties, 1995. Died at Fallston, Harford County, Maryland, October 8, 1997.
In 1998, the Maryland General Assembly enacted the William H. Amoss Organ and Tissue Donation Act (Chapter 1, Acts of 1998). Named in honor of Senator Amoss, the William H. Amoss Performing Arts Center opened in May 2000 at Harford Community College in Bel Air, Maryland.
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